How can we tell which server is the active resource pool member? | Quisitive

Have you ever tried to debug a situation where notifications seem to be working but only part of the time in Operations Manager? I ran into this situation recently and found a couple of items which assist with this specifically for Operations Manager 2012. This blog post will cover:

What is a resource pool?

Resource Pools were added in Operations Manager 2012. As a quick definition for what they are: “A resource pool is a collection of management servers used to distribute work amongst themselves and take over work from a failed member.” – subset from I would update that slightly to the following definition based upon this discussion that a gateway can also be a member of a resource pool: . “A resource pool is a collection of management servers and/or gateway servers used to distribute work amongst themselves and take over work from a failed member.” 

For additional readings on resource pools I recommend:

General recommendations to debug notifications send through a resource pool:

The following is a summary of insights and best practices I’ve been combined based on feedback from most of the OpsMgr alpha-geeks on the planet. (Thank you Kevin, Scott, Flemming, Tao, Dieter and Kevin).

How to determine what server is active in a resource pool

Update: A member of the System Center Central community (Alex) provided an updated query which covers all application pools and has results which are more consistent than what I put together. Alex, thank you for writing this and for sharing it!

from cs.WorkFlowExecutionLocationAgent
inner join cs.workflowexecutionlocation
ON cs.WorkFlowExecutionLocationAgent.WorkFlowExecutionLocationAgentRowId = cs.workflowexecutionlocation.WorkflowExecutionLocationRowId
inner join CS.agent
ON CS.agent.AgentRowId=cs.WorkFlowExecutionLocationAgent.AgentRowId
inner join BaseManagedEntity
ON BaseManagedEntity.BaseManagedEntityId = CS.agent.AGentGuid
where cs.workflowexecutionlocation.DisplayName like '%Pool%'

Sample output results from my lab (single management server) and another lab are shown below: (truncated to only the two relevant fields – name of the management server and name of the resource pool) Assignment Resource Pool Management Servers Resource Pool Resource Pool
OM2.CAT.DEMONetwork Device Pool
OM1.CAT.DEMOAD Assignment Resource Pool
OM2.CAT.DEMOAll Management Servers Resource Pool
OM1.CAT.DEMONotifications Resource Pool

Summary: I hope that this blog post provided some interesting insights into resource pools, how to debug them and how to determine who the active resource pool member is!

Update: Alexey Zhuravlev put together a sample pack on how to debug the active pool member which is available at:

In SharePoint 2013 On Premise, I was having some trouble with my search service.  Initially, I was unable to crawl a site so I recreated my Search Service Application.

I fixed the crawl issue, but then we could no longer launch Query Builder from the site collection.

​Error:  Not able to connect to search service to retrieve valid settings

I found some good blog posts, which all pointed in the direction of permissions, but after auditing the permissions on my farm, I found no permissions issues.

I tried launching the Query Builder via Central Administration and was unsuccessful there as well, but I found that my problem was that although I had reassociated my new Search Service with my web applications by using Configure Service Application Associations, I had missed Central Admin.  When I reassociated the Search Service with Central Admin, the Query Builder was back and we were able to successfully create a result source.

For instructions – see Technet – Add or Remove Service Application Connections – and don’t forget Central Admin!

#SP2013 #Search #Query